
Copy Work Hours Across Work Days

Calendars are used in dspTrack™ and dspConcut™ components. Refer to Use a Calendar for more information.

A user can copy work hours from one work day across all the work days for a calendar instead of entering work hours for each work day in a week.

For example, the work hours for a Monday are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. These work hours can be copied across the remaining work days in the week, so that all work days in the calendar also have work hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

If a work day has multiple sets of work hours, these shifts are copied across all work days in the calendar.

To copy work hours:

  1. Select Common > Tools > Calendar in the Navigation pane.
  2. Select Work Days for a calendar.
  3. Select a work day.:

    NOTE: A work day has the WORK DAY check box enabled.

    NOTE: When a work day is selected, the work hours display on the Work Hours page.

  4. Click Copy Work Hours on the Work Day page.

    NOTE: Copying work hours has no effect on non-working days. If a non-working day is selected on the Work Day page, the Copy Work Hours icon is disabled.

Any work hours already set for other work days are removed and replaced with the copied work hours.