Information Steward Accelerator (ISA)

Open the ISA Project Summary page in the DSP® to align the IS Metadata Repository with ISA

The final step in the CTS process for ISA is to access the Project Summary page.

Before performing this task:

Before performing this task:

  1. Export IS Project Content in IS
  2. Create the CTS Package of ISA Content in the DSP®
  3. Create the CTS Package of Schedules Referenced by ISA in the DSP®
  4. Create the Target Environment Project and Connections in the CMC
  5. Import the IS Project into the Target IS Environment in IS
  6. Create Users in the Target ISA Environment in the DSP®, if needed
  7. Run the Collect process to align IS metadata repository with ISA in the DSP®
  8. Run Tasks associated With the IS Project in IS
  9. Import the CTS Package of ISA Content into the Target ISA environment in the DSP®
  10. Import the CTS Schedules Package into the Target ISA Environment

Refer to CTS for ISA Overview for general information.

To complete the CTS process for ISA:

  1. Click Information Steward Accelerator > Project Summary in the Navigation pane.

    NOTE: This triggers the alignment process stored procedure that runs on loading the project summary.

  2. Review the Project / Project Distribution details to ensure they are aligned with the source ISA environment as expected.