Information Steward Accelerator (ISA)

Run Tasks Associated with the IS Project in IS

Before performing this task:

  1. Export IS Project Content in IS
  2. Create the CTS Package of ISA Content in the DSP®
  3. Create the CTS Package of Schedules Referenced by ISA in the DSP®
  4. Create the Target Environment Project and Connections in the CMC
  5. Import the IS Project into the Target IS Environment in IS
  6. Create Users in the Target ISA Environment in the DSP®
  7. Run the Collect process to align IS metadata repository with ISA in the DSP®

Refer to CTS for ISA Overview for general information.

To run tasks associated with the IS project:

  1. Open the Information Steward Data Insight Project that has been promoted into on the target environment.
  2. Click the Tasks tab on the left side of the window.
  3. Select each of the Tasks and click the Run Now button.

NOTE:To ensure that the Tasks are pointing to the correct Failed Data Connection, click the Edit button to view the Task properties.

Continue with importing the ISA Content CTS Package into the Target ISA environment in the DSP®.