
Perform Value Mapping

On the Value Mapping (Legacy to Target) page, where value mapping is performed, the legacy value and legacy description display. These values come from the Source check table. During value mapping, select a Target value or indicate that a legacy value is not relevant for every legacy value in the check table so that gate metrics can count the value mapping as complete. 

Besides updating value mappings in the UI as described in this topic, a user can also:

  • Perform value mapping automatically, if the Source system and Target system are identical. On the Value Mapping page, click Auto Map By Description or Auto Map By Value in the Page toolbar.
  • Use Excel Integration to download a spreadsheet that users can update with value mapping values. Ensure Bulk Execution is enabled on the Value Mapping (Legacy to Target) page. Once data entry is complete, import that data into the DSP. Refer to Use Excel Integration for more information.

NOTE: The Source table and Source field for the check table for the Rule Xref action is not automatically set. They must be entered on the Vertical View of the Legacy Value (Source Table Fields) page.

The Value Mapping (Legacy to Target) page displays all values that are mapped to the Target table in a lookup table for all Sources.

NOTE: A user can update the lookup table configuration in Target Design by clicking the Target Lookup Table Config icon on the Page toolbar.

To perform value mapping in Map:

  1. Create a rule with an XRef or RuleXref action on the Field Mappings page. Refer to Xref or Rule Xref for more information.
  2. Click the Value Mappings icon on the Process Area Launch page.

    NOTE: The Value Mapping page provides an overview of value mappings by check table.

  3. Click the Values icon for a check table to map all values for the selected check table.

    NOTE: Only those values that are mapped to a Target table display. Unmapped values are deleted when the Target is processed.:

    NOTE: Only those lookup tables with a Type of Configuration are available to be value mapped using this process. This value is set in Target Design on the Target Lookup Table page.

  4. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the Value Mapping (Legacy to Target) page

  5. Select an option from the TARGET VALUE list box


    Click the NOT RELEVANT check box to check it.

  6.  Enter a value that could be used for value mapping in the PROPOSED VALUE field if applicable.

    NOTE: The PROPOSED VALUE field is for informational purposes only. The count of proposed values displays on the Value Mapping page.

  7. Enter text in the COMMENT field.
  8. Click Save.