System Administration

Page Event Rule Parameters

To access this page:

  1. Select Admin > WebApps in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Pages icon for a WEB APP NAME.
  3. Click the Events icon for a page.
  4. Click the Business Rules icon for an event.
  5. Click Vertical View for a Business Rule with a procedure type of WebApp Event.
  6. Click the Parameters icon.




Displays a number indicating the order the Business Rules display.


Displays the name of the parameter passed by a WebApp to run this Public event. The key fields on the table upon which the page is based on are included by default.


Displays the name of the name of the validation which is computed based on the type of the validation and the entity chosen (whether it’s a view, procedure, or plugin), for example, webdcsMARA_FullConstruct_DSP9587DupKeyVal.


Displays whether the parameter is a key field on the table and must be passed or is optional. This value is set on the Page Event Parameters page.

Values are:

  • Required – A value for this parameter must be passed to the event.
  • Key – The value passed for this event must be a key(s) value.
  • Optional – A value for this parameter could be passed to the event but is not required.


Displays the value to pass to the parameter for the public event.

NOTE: It the Parameter Type is Required or Key, this value must be entered.


Displays a description of the parameter.