Navigation and Session Timeout

Once Bulk Execution is launched, the process runs in the background and the panel remains visible on the screen until it is closed. The user can navigate away and work on other pages while Bulk Execution is running.

For example:

  1. Navigate to another page.

  2. Click the Filter icon; a message informing the user that the action cannot be performed until the Return to Page button (located on the Control Panel tab) is clicked.

  3. Click the Return to Page button; the page where the Bulk Execution panel was opened displays. If the page is filtered, it will also return the user to the filtered context the user was using when the panel was opened.

Refreshing the browser while the Bulk Execution panel is open or when the session times out will restore the panel and all selected options. This includes the active tab (except in the case where there are results it will always show the results tab). If the browser is refreshed after the results have been displayed, the user will see a "Restoring Results..." message instead of the loading bar reappearing. Panel location and size will also be maintained. Browser cache of a panel will only last 24 hours, Results will only be kept in the database for 6 hours after completion. (If the browser is open for 8 hours and then refreshed, the results will not reappear.)This restoration only applies to the window the panel was opened in. If the user closes the browser window or panel window, they cannot get the results back.