
Configure Template Loops for a BDC Script Template

>Review the steps in the process.

Looping is a posting mechanism that processes multiple child keys for one parent key. It allows for multiple headers with infinite details to be posted. Looping can be enabled during template creation or after recording.

When a template that uses loops is added to a process, each loop in the template becomes a process template loop. Refer to Configure Template Loops for a BDC Script Template for a process based on a BDC Script template.

Looping is necessary when data in the same field at the detail level should be updated for multiple header records. For example, to enter data for the Export Legal Control for a Material, a template would need to generate one transaction with multiple screens to update the export control class for each country.

Looping is not necessary when a change in data is made at the header level as is the case when changing a Material Description.

To set looping for a BDC script, click the Enable Loop check box to enable it on the Template page’s Vertical View, then manage the loops on the BDC Screen page.

NOTE: The template must be deactivated to configure looping.

To configure loops for a BDC script.

  1. Click the Enable Loop check box to enable it on the Configuration tab of the Template page’s Vertical View.
  2. Click BDC Screen.

    View the field descriptions for the BDC Screen page.

    NOTE: This page displays three loop-related columns when the Enable Loop check box is enabled: LOOP PLUS, LOOP MINUS, and LOOP NAME.

  3. Click the Loop Plus or Loop Minus buttons to control the loop levels.

    NOTE: The Loop Plus button does not display for the first row as the highest prioritized record does not have a loop.  The Loop Minus button is disabled until the user clicks the Loop Plus button for a record.

    NOTE: A loop is comprised of contiguous row selection. Integrate names the loop for the row or group of rows selected with the lowest priority Loop 1.1. Integrate creates a new loop, and names it Loop 1.2 when a noncontiguous row of higher priority has a loop added.

    NOTE: After clicking the Loop Plus button, the Loop Minus button is activated and the loop name, generated by Integrate, displays in the LOOP NAME column.

  4. Click Vertical View for a looped record to view information about the loop.

    NOTE: For looped records, the General tab displays a Loop Details section, including the fields Loop Name, Loop Description, and Loop Index.

  5. Navigate to the Template page’s Vertical View.
  6. Click Documentation tab.
  7. Click Report to view the modified script with loops.
  8. Navigate to the Template page’s Horizontal View. The L check box is enabled for the looped template.