System Administration
Workflow Overview
Workflow is an email notification method called from within a WebApp where an email is sent upon the execution of an event. If a workflow requires a user to log in to the platform in order to perform a function, a link can be included in the email to navigate directly to the relevant page in the WebApp.
Workflow is used in situations where groups, users and fields outside the context of a particular page are needed, or when the decisions to manually send an email are particularly complex.
Setting up a workflow involves:
Create a workflow view in SQL Server.
Types of Workflow
Using semi-anonymous is convenient for the user. When the link in the email is clicked, the user is automatically signed into their account without entering credentials. To use semi-anonymous workflow authentication, design the workflow view to use a platform User ID in the To field instead of an email address. The platform looks up the user’s email address in the user’s account in order to send the workflow email. When the recipient clicks the workflow link in the email, they are automatically logged in as the specified user. The WorkflowUserID field is ignored.
When using anonymous, the email address recipient does not have or need to have their own account to log in. To use anonymous workflow authentication, specify a WorkflowUserID on the Workflow page in System Administration. The WorkflowUserID select list is populated with only anonymous users. Make sure the anonymous user selected has permissions to the page to which it is linked. The email is sent to the email address specified in the To field of the workflow view. Upon clicking the link in the email, the user is automatically logged in as the anonymous user selected.