
View the Source Tables and Fields Mapped to a Lookup Table

A user can access the Source Value Tracking page to view each Source table that has a field that has been mapped to the lookup table selected on the Value Mapping (Sources) page.

For example, numerous fields use the table T006 to value map unit of measure. This page allows the user to see which Targets, Sources, and fields are entering values into T006.

A user can also use this page to view the Objects and fields that could be affected by updating a value mapping.

To access this page in Map:

  1. Click dspMigrate in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Map in the Context bar.
  3. Select Configuration >Value Mapping (Config) in the Navigation pane.
  4. Click the Sources icon for a check table.
  5. Click the Vertical View icon for a Source.
  6. Click the Source Tables icon.
  7. Click the Value Tracking icon.