DSP® Application Development

User Control Views

Business rules may require specific functions to be disabled based on the logged in user. A User Control page can be created to manage the criteria for a User Control View. UserControl Views (UCV) are created in SQL and determine if records can be added, edited, deleted or even viewed by a specified user. Once the views are created in SQL, they need to be registered to the page in DSP® and the control criteria must be defined. A single User Control View can control multiple pages in a WebApp if designed correctly and registered to multiple pages.

Refer to Control Views for general information.

When creating User Control Views (UCV):

  • Use the naming convention webXXXUcv, where XXX is the name of the table assigned to the page minus the prefix.
  • If using one UCV across multiple tables, XXX is a meaningful name.

NOTE: When controlling multiple pages with a single User Control View, Enforce Strict Naming might need to be turned off depending on the naming convention on the view.

  • Use a UCV when the control status determinations are to be made based on what is known about the User.
  • Include the following columns:
    • boaUserID – Contains DSP®  User ID
    • boaColumn – Technical name of column on the page
    • boaControlStatus – Control Status: disabled (0), enabled (1) and hidden (2)

NOTE: Besides the DSP® Reserved Words, no other columns are considered when applying the UCV control status settings to a page.

Setting up user control views involves the following steps:

  1. Create a User Control View in Management Studio.
  2. Register the view in DSP®.
  3. Define the control criteria on the new page.

The following steps are optional to allow management of the control view’s functionality:

  1. Create a User Control table.
  2. Create a User Control Horizontal View to manage the criteria.
  3. Register the Page in DSP® and assign to the Configuration Menu.
  4. Create list views for the Column Properties.
  5. Assign Column Properties.