System Administration
Register a Data Source
During the installation or implementation of the Data Stewardship Platform (DSP®), additional Data Sources, other than what are provided in the installation package, may be required. This use case provides step-by-step instructions and requirements to configure database connection settings for Data Sources utilized by the DSP®.
NOTE: If a data source is deleted in Common, the corresponding data source is deleted in System Administration. If a data source is deleted in System Administration, the Common data source is not deleted.
Refer to How the DSP Uses Data Source Types for more information.
To register a Data Source in System Administration:
Navigate to Admin > Data Sources in the Navigation pane.
Click Add.
Enter the data source name in the DATA SOURCE NAME field.
Select a data source type from the DATA SOURCE TYPE list box if the default value (SqlServer) is not applicable. Options are:
Local File – Points to a folder on the web server. Used for importing or exporting data to flat files: Excel, CSV, etc.
ODBC – Generally for databases other than Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, if the ODBC driver is available.
OleDB – Generally for databases other than Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, if the OleDBdriver is available.
Oracle – Used for configuring connections to Oracle databases that use native connection drivers.
Remote File (FTP) – Similar to local file, but located on another machine and accessed through the File Transfer Protocol.
Remote File (HTTP) – Similar to local file, but located on another machine and accessed through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Remote File (UNC) – Similar to local file, but located on another machine and accessed through the Uniform Naming Convention.
SqlServer – Used to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server, using native connection drivers.
Click Save; the Vertical View displays.
NOTE: The configuration of the Vertical View depends on the Data Source Type selected on the Horizontal View. This example walks through the most common Data Source Type: SQL Server. For configuration options for other Data Sources Types, refer to the Data Sources page’s Vertical View field descriptions.
Select an address from Server Address combo box.
NOTE: The Server Address combo box contains the server address from existing data sources registered in the Platform. This list can be used as suggestions where an existing server address can be selected. To add a new server address, type the address in the Server Address field and click Use this value.
Enter a name in Database field.
NOTE: The Database name must be the name of the database exactly as it appears in the database. For Oracle databases, the Database name appears in the TNS name file.
Select a database user name from User ID combo box.
NOTE: The User ID combo box contains the user IDs from existing data sources. This list can be used as suggestions where an existing user ID can be selected. To add a new user ID, enter the user in the User ID field and click Use this value.
Enter the password associated with the User ID in Password field.
NOTE: The User ID and Password fields are only available for Data Source Types of SQL Server, Oracle, OLE and ODBC.
Click the Advanced Properties tab.
Enter a value in the Port field.
NOTE: Some databases can be configured to run on the non-default port. The Port field allows users to enter the server that uses a different port. Also, the Port field is used for FTP connections to define the target port.
Click the Trusted Connection checkbox to enable it.
NOTE: If the Server is configured to connect using Windows Authentication, the connection will use the hosting machine’s information to authenticate the connection. If enabled, Trusted Connection bypasses the usage of the User ID and Password fields.
Enter a value in the Connection Timeout field.
NOTE: The Connection Timeout field denotes how long to wait, in seconds, when connecting to the server before executing any commands. If the server does not reply within this time, the connection action will be cancelled.
Enter a value in the Command Timeout field.
NOTE: The Command Timeout field denotes how long to wait for a command execution against the server to wait for a reply. If no reply returns in this number of seconds, the action will be cancelled.
Click Save.
Click the Test Connection icon to test the connection to the Data Source, which verifies the database User ID and Password are connected to the database.
NOTE: Additional drivers must be installed for Oracle, DB2, Informix or any other ODBC Data Source. If the local database Administrator or data audit team does not have a list of the additional drivers required for the data source, contact BackOffice Support at
Click the Recompile Objects icon to verify the data is available in the database.
NOTE: Objects should only be recompiled for SQL Server databases created for the project. Objects may need to be recompiled a few times. If the recompile fails after three attempts, submit an issue to BackOffice Support:
Click the Append Columns button to append the BackOffice reserved columns used by the Framework to all tables that do not already contain them, a confirmation message displays. Use this option when creating a WebApp on the data source.
NOTE: The following are BackOffice reserved columns: AddedBy, AddedOn, ChangedBy, ChangedOn, AddedVia and ChangedVia. If the Protect field is enabled for the assigned server, the tables in the database are not appended with the BackOffice reserved columns.
Click OK.