
Parameters – Collect

Use this page to Configure Collect Parameters.

To access this page, select Common > Configuration > Modules > Parameters-Collect in Navigation pane.

This page contains the following tabs:

General tab



Application Information


Displays current release version of the component, Collect.

Release Date

Displays date when the component version was released.


Action Filter

Displays prefix used for action stored procedures. Default value is asp%.

Rule Filter

Displays prefix used for rule stored procedures. Default value is ir%.

Connection Info

Server Name

Displays name of server where application resides

DB2Time Out

Displays time, in milliseconds, for an idle transaction in DB2. Default value is 180.

Oracle Time Out

Displays time, in milliseconds, for an idle transaction in Oracle. Default value is 180.


Displays time, in milliseconds, for an idle transaction in SQL Server. Default value is 180.

General Settings tab



Job Settings

Queue ID

Displays queue used for table downloads when a Collect service is used to distribute the load on the server. Default value is General.

Recycle Job Max

Displays number of times the download process is recycled. If the job fails, the table is recycled into the job queue at the end of the current cycle. This feature is designed to monitor network problems. If set to 0, the job isn’t recycled. Default value is 3.

Duration Warning Limit

Displays limit (in seconds) for long-running tables. These tables display in the Duration Warning List report, which is available in Collect under Reports > Duration Warning List.

Run Jobs Metrics

Displays a value that captures run and duration times for data downloads and conversions.

Values are:

  • No Metrics – Disables metric process
  • Build Job Metrics – Stores duration for the job to complete all events
  • Build Event and Job Metrics – Stores duration of each event and total for the job

Default value is Build Job Metrics.

Job Metrics Retention

Displays number of days to store Table Download Runtime processing data. Default value is 1 day.

Misc. Settings

Scheduled Downloads

If checked, Collect service jobs run in the background. Default is Enabled.

Test Source Before Delete

If checked, the ability to log in to the source system is tested before the current data is deleted and before the creation of the download. Default value is Enabled.

Max Tracing Count

Displays maximum value of how large the DebugLog table can get before logging for Collect turns off.

Default Collation Type

Displays the language option for text data in the database.

Values are: General Latin Case-insensitive, General Latin Case-sensitive

Default value is General Latin Case-insensitive, which means the collation uses Latin characters and is case-insensitive.

Max Record Sources For Union View

Display the threshold for the number of sources that can be registered for the Record Count on the Tables page’s Vertical View to be calculated.

If the number of sources registered exceeds the threshold set by this parameter, no Record Count is calculated and the Record Count field on the Tables page’s Vertical View is 0.

Package Info tab



General Package Settings

Build Package Default

Displays default setting for building tables. Default value is CranPort.

Package Extension

Displays characters appended to the package name. Default value is imp.

SSIS Settings

Sleep Timer

Displays number of milliseconds to pause before building the next package. Parameter is used to slow down the build process. Default value is 100 milliseconds (1 second)

Commit Size

Displays number of records committed in a single SQL Server Transaction when running table downloads. Default value is 1000.

SSIS File Path

Displays folder on the component server that stores SSIS packages.

RFC Settings

Rfc Name Space Option

Displays option for RFC name.

Values are:

  • NAMESPACE - uses the namespace version of the BOA Function Module
  • NONNAMESPACE – uses non-namespace version of the BOA Function Module.


NOTE: The namespace concept describes how customers and partners name their development objects to avoid overlapping when SAP software is upgraded. BDC Function Modules and BAPI Function Modules can be namespace or non-namespace objects.

Default value is NONNAMESPACE.

Rfc Type

Displays type of RFC used.

Values are:

  • SAP RFC – Uses SAP’s Remote Function Call
  • BOA RFC – Uses custom Remote Function Call developed by BackOffice
  • BOA RFC using Options – Uses custom Remote Function Call developed by BackOffice with options applied as a Where Clause to limit data read from tables

Default value is BOA RFC.

Rfc Records Per Call

Enter number of records to pull per block from SAP. Default value is 5000.

Data Services Settings tab



Datastore Settings

Source Datastore Name Format

Displays the format for a Datastore object created for a source connection when building a SAP Data Services package. Default value is #SOURCE#.

Target Datastore Name Format

Displays the format for a Datastore object created for a target connection when building an SAP Data Services package. Default value is #TARGET#.

Collect Datastore Name Format

Displays the format for a Datastore object created for a collect connection when building a SAP Data Services package. Default value is dgDataGarage.

Download Job Settings

Download Job Name Format

Displays name format for the job that executed a download of source table to a target table. Default value is #SOURCE#_#TARGET#_#SOURCETABLE#_imp.

Download Job Data Flow Name Format

Displays the format for the Data Flow object in a Download job. Default value is DF_#SOURCE#_#TARGET#_#SOURCETABLE#.

Download Job Source Table Data Flow Display Name Format

Displays the format for the source table display name in a Data Flow object of a Download job. Default value is #SOURCETABLE#_#SOURCE#.

Download Job Target Table Data Flow Display Name Format

Displays the format for the target table display name in a Data Flow object of a Download job. Default value is #TARGETTABLE#_#TARGET#.

Download Job Source Table Description Format

Displays the format of the source table description in a Download job. Default value is #SOURCETABLE# table from #SOURCE#.

Download Job Target Table Description Format

Displays the format of the target table description in a Download job. Default value is #TARGETTABLE# table from #TARGET#.

Download Job Schema Name Format

Displays the format of the Schema Name object in a Download job. Default value is TFM_#TARGETTABLE#.

Query Job Settings

Query Job Name Format

Displays name format for the job that executes a schema query on a Datastore. Default value is Collect staging table dg#JOBTYPE#Query_#SOURCE#.

Query Job Data Flow Name Format

Displays name format for a DataFlow object in a Query job. Default value is DF_dg#JOBTYPE#Query_#SOURCE#.

Query Job SQL Query Name Format

Displays name format for a SQLQuery object in a Query job. Default value is SQL_dg#JOBTYPE#Query_#SOURCE#.

Query Job Target Table Data Flow Display Name Format

Displays format for the target table display name in a Data Flow of a Query job. Default value is #QUERYJOBTARGETTABLE#(Collect).

Query Job Target Table Description Format

Displays format of the target table description in a Query job. Default value is Collect staging table #QUERYJOBTARGETTABLE#.

DBMoto Settings tab



Application Settings

Server Name

Displays the server name where DBMoto® is installed on.

Group Size

Displays number of tables in each monitoring group – to be determined by the client. Groups are table sets that share the same log reader thread. It is more efficient to check for changes once for a group of tables than to log in for each table individually. Also, the changes for all the tables in a group are processed in the same order as they appear in the transaction log. This is useful when there are referential constrains between tables. Each group runs in a single thread mode with one table refreshing at a time. Default value is 50.

Maximum Connections

Displays limit of simultaneous connections to the source system. Default value is 8.

Mirror Interval

Displays number of seconds between checking the system log for changes. Recommended value is no less than 60 seconds. Default value is 300 seconds.

Start Replicator

If enabled, DBMoto® Replicator is started after each build package process completes. If disabled, DBMoto® Replicator must be manually restarted in the DBMoto® Management Center on the application server. Default value is Disabled.

Enable Group

If disabled, the DBMoto® packages do not automatically run after the build process is complete. The package stays in a Replication Status of Disabled and an Initialization Status of Pending. The user must manually enable the replication in the DBMoto® Management Center.

If enabled, the DBMoto® packages automatically start executing after the build process completes.

Metric Time

Displays date when all tables without rules will have boaDBMotoInd set back to zero and daily change count insert into Metric log. Default value is 11:00 pm.

Workflow Settings tab

Use this tab to Update the Retention Expiration Warning Period.



Retention Date Notification

Retention Expiration Date Notification

Displays the number of days before data is purged (the retention expiration date) that a warning workflow email is sent to the Data Controller.

The email contains a list of objects whose data will be purged and a link to access the objects in the DSP.

The DSP sends this email daily when an object is scheduled to be purged during this time.

Retention Warning Email

Click to open the Collect Retention Expiration Email page to configure the subject line and body of the workflow email sent when an object’s retention date is within the number of days set in the Retention Expiration Date Notification field.

Email Contents

Collect Work Flow From Email

Displays email address of account that sends workflow emails.

Collect Work Flow Failure Body

Displays text for body of failed table workflow emails.

Collect Work Flow Failure Table Vertical

Displays the header definition for failed table workflow emails.

Collect Work Flow Summary Body

Displays text for body of summary workflow emails.

Collect Work Flow Summary Table Header

Displays table header row in summary workflow emails.

Collect Work Flow Summary Table Line

Displays the row definition for summary workflow emails.