Target Design

Add a Metric Group

Metric groups are a subcategory of field groups and provide a way to further organize data for metrics tracking and mapping. A metric group must be added before it can be applied to target fields.

NOTE: The default metric group (*) is assigned to all fields.

To add a metric group in Target Design:

  1. Select Configuration > Metric Groups in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Metric Groups page

  3. Enter a name for the group in the METRIC GROUP field.

    NOTE: This name will appear as an option in the Metric Group ID list box on the Vertical View of the Target Fields page.

  4. Enter a value in the PRIORITY field.

    NOTE: This value indicates the order that fields should be mapped in Map on the Field Mappings page. A metric group with a priority of 1 should be mapped first. Key and required fields should be mapped before optional fields.

  5. Enter a comment about the group in the COMMENT field.

    NOTE: This field may contain a longer descriptive name for the metric group.

  6. Click Save.